MS Chart – Blood Circulation Synthetic 65317
Item #: 170254 VIEW DETAILS ›An educational chart to familiarize students with the subject in a realistic way. Printed in English on art paper and plastic laminated. The chart is mounted on plastic rollers with a hanging cord on top roller.
Chart is available without rollers.
MS Chart – Digestive System Synthetic 65323
Item #: 170255 VIEW DETAILS ›An educational chart to familiarize students with the subject in a realistic way. Printed in English on art paper and plastic laminated. The chart is mounted on plastic rollers with a hanging cord on top roller.
Chart is available without rollers.
MS Chart – Eye (Illiterate)
Item #: 170256 VIEW DETAILS ›Printed on a plastic sheet with hanging hook.
MS Chart – Eye (Literate)
Item #: 170257 VIEW DETAILS ›Printed on a plastic sheet with hanging hook.
MS Chart – Human Embryology 65352
Item #: 170258 VIEW DETAILS ›An educational chart to familiarize students with the subject in a realistic way. Printed in English on art paper and plastic laminated. The chart is mounted on plastic rollers with a hanging cord on top roller.
Chart is available without rollers.
MS Chart – Human Muscles Synthetic 65312
Item #: 170259 VIEW DETAILS ›An educational chart to familiarize students with the subject in a realistic way. Printed in English on art paper and plastic laminated. The chart is mounted on plastic rollers with a hanging cord on top roller.
Chart is available without rollers.
MS Chart – Human Skeleton Synthetic 65310
Item #: 170260 VIEW DETAILS ›An educational chart to familiarize students with the subject in a realistic way. Printed in English on art paper and plastic laminated. The chart is mounted on plastic rollers with a hanging cord on top roller.
Chart is available without rollers.
MS Chart – Nervous System Synthetic 65320
Item #: 170261 VIEW DETAILS ›An educational chart to familiarize students with the subject in a realistic way. Printed in English on art paper and plastic laminated. The chart is mounted on plastic rollers with a hanging cord on top roller.
Chart is available without rollers.
MS Chart – Pregnancy & Birth 65375
Item #: 170262 VIEW DETAILS ›An educational chart to familiarize students with the subject in a realistic way. Printed in English on art paper and plastic laminated. The chart is mounted on plastic rollers with a hanging cord on top roller.
Chart is available without rollers.
MS Chart – Reproductive System Male Synthetic 65345
Item #: 170264 VIEW DETAILS ›An educational chart to familiarize students with the subject in a realistic way. Printed in English on art paper and plastic laminated. The chart is mounted on plastic rollers with a hanging cord on top roller.
Chart is available without rollers.
MS Chart – Respiratory System Synthetic 65331
Item #: 170265 VIEW DETAILS ›An educational chart to familiarize students with the subject in a realistic way. Printed in English on art paper and plastic laminated. The chart is mounted on plastic rollers with a hanging cord on top roller.
Chart is available without rollers.
MS CPR Baby Anne Infant
Item #: 910073 VIEW DETAILS ›Product benefits:
∙ Educationally effective by offering all the essential features necessary for learning infant CPR
∙ The affordability allows increased hands-on practice
∙ Realistic chest compressions and chest rise allow students to learn proper techniques
∙ Logistically convenient lightweight and portable 4-pack weighs under 12.1 lb. making Baby Anne easy to transport
∙ Practical because it is inexpensive and easy to maintain
∙ Durable construction allows unequaled long-term useProduct features:
∙ Oral and nasal passages allow realistic nose pinch required for mouth-to-nose ventilation
∙ Natural obstruction of the airway allows students to learn the important technique of opening the airway
∙ Airway closes during flection and extension of the neck
∙ Head tilt/chin lift and jaw thrust allow students to practice correctly all maneuvers necessary when resuscitating a real patient
∙ Realistic chest compliance means students can experience the proper technique required for chest compressions on infants
∙ The foreign-body airway obstruction feature allows the release of a foreign-body obstruction to be practiced through back blows and chest-thrust techniques
∙ Economical disposable airways for quick and easy clean up
∙ Removable and reusable faces for convenient and affordable maintenance -
MS CPR Family Manikin Pack
Item #: 911364 VIEW DETAILS ›The PRESTAN Professional Collection combines one Professional Adult, one Professional Child, and one Professional Infant manikin in one single collection.
Fully compliant with current industry guidelines, including the AHA 2019 Integrated Feedback Directive, if purchased (or upgraded) with the CPR Rate Monitor.
Available in medium or dark skin tones and with or without CPR Feedback.
MS CPR Male Manikin with Light Indicator
Item #: 910158 VIEW DETAILS ›Combining the 2010 International CPR standard, the product functions are completely improved. It highlights the examination and judgment before CPR operation which much more in line with the real clinical CPR operation requirement, improving survival rate.
Implement standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2010 guideline for CPR and ECC
CPR manikin features:
1. Clear anatomic characteristic, realistic touch feeling, and lifelike skin color, vivid appearance;
2. Simulate vital signs:
∙ Initial state: manikin pupils are dilated, no carotid artery pulse;
∙ During the compression operation, there is the passive pulse of the carotid artery, and the pulse rate is in line with the compression rate;
∙ After the successful rescue, the manikin pupils return to normal and get spontaneous carotid artery pulse;
3. Provide consciousness judgment, emergency call, pulse examination, breath examination, and foreign body clearance operation;
4. Can perform artificial breathing and cardiac compression, airway open;
5. Three operation modes: CPR training, simulating assessment, and actual assessment
∙ Mode I: CPR training, can perform compression and inflation
∙ Mode II: Simulating assessment, during the rated period complete 5 cycles CPR operation basing on 2010 international CPR standard, with compression and inflation ratio: 30:2;
∙ Mode III: Actual assessment, during the setting period, complete the pre-set assessment rules according to the 2010 international CPR standard. -
MS H-Animal Cell Div-Meiosis
Item #: 171405 VIEW DETAILS › -
MS H-Animal Cell Div-Mitosis
Item #: 440062 VIEW DETAILS › -
MS H-Animal Cell Structure
Item #: 171407 VIEW DETAILS › -
MS H-Plant Cell Div-Meiosis
Item #: 171408 VIEW DETAILS ›
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