✓ The lightest! Weighs only 8.82 lbs / 4kg
✓ With the innovative flip down display
∙ Multiple angles (offers a greater comfort and safety wherever the patient is)
✓ Easy access to connectors
✓ High Resolution Color LCD
✓ 7.2″ flip down display
The Efficia DFM100 helps you deliver care at an affordable price with the quality and reliability proven in over 1 million Philips defibrillators sold worldwide. Device configurations range from a basic defibrillator to a fully-featured defibrillator/monitor with optional AED mode, pacing, and monitoring parameters. To help minimize the time and cost of staff training, we have designed the Efficia DFM100 with the same user interface across hospital and EMS versions.
Unique advantages
The Efficia DFM100 defibrillator/monitor is designed to help you meet the demands of patient care in the pre-hospital and hospital environment. With field-proven Philips technology, the Efficia DFM100 offers core functionality with a scalable feature set and improved cost of ownership, allowing you to enhance patient care, wherever the patient is located.
A complete package
To deliver high levels of care, you need to make quick, informed decisions – at the scene of an emergency and across the entire course of treatment. You need your equipment to be easy to use as you care for a patient, monitor developments in the patient’s condition during transport to the hospital, and as you care for your patient in the hospital.
✓ ECG Tracing in LCD display
✓ Messages and command through text and voice
✓ Rechargeable lithium battery
∙ If there is no charge in the internal battery, the AED is recharged and it runs connected to the external battery 12 VDC mobile ICU
✓ Set of disposable pads (self-adhesive, disposable, available in adult, pediatric and neonatal size)
✓ Weighs 1.9 kg / 4.2 lbs
LEAD THE WAY TO SAVE A LIFE | Philips HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator
Designed for the ordinary person in the extraordinary moment, OnSite is ready to act and ready to go. It allows virtually anyone to treat the most common cause of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) by delivering a shock quickly and effectively, wherever SCA happens.
Guides you through every step
Just pull the green handle to activate your OnSite defibrillator and voice instructions will guide you through the entire process – from placing each pad on the patient to performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and delivering a defibrillation shock.1 It even guides you on the frequency and depth of chest compressions, as well as breaths.
Use OnSite to train
Learning to use the OnSite is easy. You can install a special pads cartridge that temporarily turns your OnSite defibrillator into a trainer. Also available are a collection of videos that describe every aspect of the defibrillator.
Virtually ready to use out of the box
With OnSite’s Ready-Pack configuration arrives virtually ready to rescue.
∙ Arrives with the SMART Pads cartridge and battery already installed
∙ Is positioned inside the carry case with a spare SMART Pads cartridge in place
∙ Just pull the green tab to launch the initial self-test
∙ Conducts a series of automatic self-tests daily, weekly, and monthly, including testing the pads